France Knife Attack: Following the brutal knife attack in France’s Nice city, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad had posted a controversial tweet in which he glorified the attack. After quite an uproar over the tweet, social networking platform Twitter removed it.

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Twitter removed the tweet because it was in violation of its rules which ban the glorification of violence. The tweet had sparked an angry outburst on social media with many users calling out the former Malaysian Prime Minister.

Twitter first labeled the tweet with a disclaimer stating that the post violated its rules, but was being left on the site because it was in public interest. Later, Twitter completely deleted the tweet and left remaining of the thread intact.

Just a few hours after another French person was beheaded by an "Allah hu Akbar" sloganeering terrorist in France, Mahathir in a series of tweets on Thursday strongly justified the violent reaction of Muslims to the Charlie Hebdo caricatures of Prophet Mohammad.

He sparked an uproar when he said on Thursday that Muslims have a "right to be angry and to kill millions of French people".