New Delhi: The US president, Joe Biden took a third Covid-19 booster shot on Monday and said the people who refused to get vaccinated were damaging the country.

Biden got a third Pfizer dose in line with the recently approved health guidance, which allows boosters for those 65 or older reported AFP.

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Aside from senior citizens, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week approved boosters for adults with high-risk medical conditions and frontline workers as they were constantly exposed to the virus.

Biden said that the problem was that there was a large chunk of Americans who still refused to get vaccinated which is causing the Delta variant to spread around the country. Biden said 77 percent of Americans had got vaccines but this wasn't enough, with still nearly a quarter refusing.

The authorities have warned of a pandemic among unvaccinated in states like Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida where vaccination rates are much lower.

Earlier, this month, Biden announced a series of measures to try to get more people vaccinated, including requiring federal workers to be inoculated and mandating that companies with more than 100 employees ensure their workers are vaccinated or tested regularly for the virus.

Biden announced at the UN General Assembly last week that the US government would double its purchases of the Pfizer vaccine, raising to 1.1 billion the number of doses for distribution to other nations during the next year.