New Delhi: After a series of steps to downgrade diplomatic relations with India post its move of changing Jammu and Kashmir’s status, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, on Sunday, hit out at Narendra Modi-led government and compared the ideology of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh to that of Nazis.

He alleged that revoking of Article 370 which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir and its bifurcation into two Union Territories, by the Indian government is an “attempt to change the demography of Kashmir.”

In a series of tweet on Sunday Khan said that RSS is the “Hindu supremacists version of Hitler’s Lebensraum”.

“ The curfew, crackdown & impending genocide of Kashmiris in IOK is unfolding exactly acc to RSS ideology inspired by Nazi ideology. Attempt is to change demography of Kashmir through ethnic cleansing. Question is: Will the world watch & appease as they did Hitler at Munich?”, he said in his tweet.

“I am afraid this RSS ideology of Hindu Supremacy, like the Nazi Aryan Supremacy, will not stop in IOK; instead it will lead to suppression of Muslims in India & eventually lead to targeting of Pakistan. The Hindu Supremacists version of Hitler's Lebensraum,” he said in the following tweet.

His reaction comes in backdrop of nose-diving bilateral ties between the two neighbouring countries, after government’s move on Jammu and Kashmir. The state which is now a Union territory has been under a lockdown since August 4.

Pakistan on Wednesday expelled Indian High Commissioner Ajay Bisaria and downgraded diplomatic ties with India . On Thursday, banned the screening of Indian films in the country's theatres.