New Delhi: Iraq's Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi in Baghdad early on Sunday survived the 'assassination attempt' as a drone laden with explosives targeted his residence in the Green Zone, Reuters reported. The drone attack came after the protest in Baghdad over the result of the general election the previous month turned violent.

As per the security sources, the drone attack injured several members of Kadhimi's personal protection.

Shortly after the attack, Iraq's PM Kadhimi on his official Twitter handle writes, "The rockets of treason will not shake one bit of the steadfastness and determination of the heroic security forces."

"I am fine, thank God, among my people, and I call for calm and restraint from everyone, for the sake of Iraq," he adds.

In a statement released by the state-run media, the Iraqi military claimed that the armed drone tried to hit Kadhimi's residence in the national capital, however, the PM is "unharmed and in good health."

The attack seems to be prompted by the Iran-backed militias who were leading the protest as they refused to accept the general election result last month. The militia alleged that there were irregularities in voting and vote counting. However, no outfit has claimed responsibility for the attack so far.

"The security forces are taking the necessary measures in connection with this failed attempt," the statement was quoted by Associated Press (AP) in its report.

(With inputs from Agencies)


"The security forces are taking the necessary measures in connection with this failed attempt,"

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"The security forces are taking the necessary measures in connection with this failed attempt,"

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