New Delhi:  US President Donald Trump who is miffed at India for inking a defence deal worth billions with its adversary Russia recently, vowed that country will witness a swift reaction for their move.

He said that India would soon “find out” if the punitive CAATSA sanctions apply to it over its USD 5 billion deal with Russia to purchase the S-400 Triumf air defence system, news agency PTI reported.

CAATS that stands for Countering America’s adversaries Through Sanctions Act is a federal law of the US that imposed sanctions of Iran, North Korea and Russia.

Trump said that India will soon find out what Washington prepared for it in response to its defiance of America’s pressure against S-400 deal with Russia.

America which is piqued at Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine and its alleged meddling the 2016 presidential elections, seeks to impose sanctions on Russian interests such as its oil and gas industry, defence and security sector and financial institutions, through CAATSA.

While interacting with reporters in the Oval Office of the White House, Trump said India will find out. Asked ‘when’, he said “you will see. Sooner than you think."

As per the news agency, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was also in the room when Trump answered the question on CAATSA sanctions. Pompeo was scheduled to meet the president later. Pompeo and Defence Secretary James Mattis had earlier argued the case for a waiver to India.

Under the CAATSA sanctions, which was amended early this year, only Trump has the authority for the presidential waiver to India on weapons deal with sanctions-hit Russia.

Last Friday, India and Russia inked S-400 air defence deal when Russian President Vladimir Putin visited India, making India a target of the US sanctions under CAATSA.

The US embassy spokesperson in New Delhi had said that the CAATSA was aimed at Russia and not intended to damage the military capabilities of its "allies and partners."

India became the third foreign country to purchase Russia’s high-end weapon system, after China and Turkey.

China is facing US sanctions for purchasing the defence equipment from Russia as the Trump administration placed Chinese military procurement body and its head under financial sanctions for buying Russian arms, but hasn’t yet taken penalizing action against Ankara.