New Delhi: Even after India's warning, Sri Lanka has allowed China's 'spy ship' to visit the island nation despite India's concerns, news agency AFP reported. As per the report, India is suspicious that the Chinese research vessel 'Yuan Wang 5' could be used to snoop on Indian military installations. 

As per reports, China's ballistic missile and satellite surveillance vessel 'Yuan Wang 5', which is said to be a dual-use spy, was to reach Hambantota deep sea port on August 11 and stay there till August 17 for refueling. However, the port chief of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) confirmed that Colombo asked Beijing to defer its visit. According to local media reports, the Chinese vessel was stopped 600 nautical miles east of Hambantota as it awaited clearance from Sri Lanka to enter the port.

As per the latest developments, the Sri Lankan foreign ministry has now given clearance to The Yuan Wang 5 to dock at Hambantota from August 16 to 22, AFP reported. "The diplomatic clearance was received by me today. We will work with the local agent appointed by the vessel to ensure logistics at the port," Sri Lanka's harbor master, Nirmal P Silva told AFP.

Initially, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka, on July 12, had permitted the Chinese vessel to be stationed at the Hambantota port. However, on August 8, the ministry had asked the Chinese embassy in Colombo to postpone the proposed docking of their ship after India's strong objection citing security concerns.

India's External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi on Friday rejected China's claim that India pressured Sri Lanka to halt Yuan Wang 5's planned visit to the Hambantota port but asserted that it will take decisions based on its security concerns.

"We reject the insinuations in the statement about India. Sri Lanka is a sovereign country and makes its own independent decisions," Bagchi said when asked about the issue at a media briefing, PTI reported.