Several prominent American lawmakers have pledged their support to Hindu American amid an alleged increase in Hinduphobia and discrimination against the community in the US. According to PTI, an event held by the Coalition of Hindus of North America (CoHNA) on June 28, the 3rd National Hindu Advocacy Day, attracted numerous Hindu students, researchers, and community leaders to discuss the concerns faced by Hindus living in the US.

"We are here, and we are fighting," Congressman Shri Thanedar said in his address at the day-long event in Washington. Thanedar, a Democrat, has introduced House Resolution 1131, which seeks to condemn Hinduphobia and attacks on temples while celebrating the contribution of the Hindu-American community.

He said he would not tolerate Hinduphobia, discrimination, or other forms of hate, PTI reported.

Congressman Rich McCormick welcomed the engagement of the Hindu American and Indian American community in policymaking, and its potential to transform the future of America.

McCormick, a Republican, called attention to his support for House Resolution 1131. He encouraged the community to continue living the American dream, celebrating innovation, hard work, success, and its traditions.

Meanwhile, Republican Congressman Glen Grothman expressed solidarity with the community, and Congressman Ro Khanna celebrated the growth of the community's advocacy. Exhorting people to be proud of who they are, Khanna, a Democrat, congratulated the audience on coming to Washington for an event that exemplified pride in their heritage and roots.

In 2024, according to CoHNA, Hindus faced various attacks, ranging from the usage of stereotypical colonial frameworks to gaslighting and verbal slurs, and vandalisations of multiple temples.

The attendees heard personal testimonies from a powerful panel of Hindu students from  Stanford, UC Berkeley, and the University of Georgia, PTI reported.

They discussed the challenges they face on campus, in academic settings and even dorm rooms. Their stories sought to highlight alleged Hinduphobia on campus and how it influences their lives.