New Delhi: The world's largest plane, the Antonov AN-225, was destroyed by Russian forces during their invasion of Ukraine.

According to the Ukrainian authorities, the jet was destroyed when Russian forces gained control of the airfield in Gostomel, which housed the mega flyer.

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Taking to Twitter, the Ukrainian government said, "The biggest plane in the world "Mriya" (The Dream) was destroyed by Russian occupants on an airfield near Kyiv. We will rebuild the plane. We will fulfil our dream of a strong, free, and democratic Ukraine."

Furthermore, Ukraine's foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, on his official Twitter handle writes, "This was the world’s largest aircraft, AN-225 ‘Mriya’ (‘Dream’ in Ukrainian). Russia may have destroyed our ‘Mriya’. But they will never be able to destroy our dream of a strong, free and democratic European state. We shall prevail."

Antonov AN-225

The remarkable Antonov AN-225, with a wingspan of almost 290 feet, was constructed in what was then the Ukrainian USSR during the 1980s, during a heated race to space between the US and the Soviet Union.

The jet, dubbed 'Mriya' or 'Dream' in Ukrainian, is extremely famous in aviation circles and is known to draw large crowds of spectators at air shows all over the world.

Only one Antonov AN-225 was ever constructed by the Kyiv-based Antonov Company, the original designers of the plane.

It's essentially a larger version of another Antonov design, the four-engine An-124 'Condor,' which is now in service with the Russian Air Force.

According to Antonov, Myria is capable of transporting extra-heavy oversize freight to any location on the planet, either within the fuselage or on exterior depots.

The 84-meter-long aircraft can fly at 800 kilometres per hour and rise to altitudes of up to 9000 metres.