New Delhi: Former US president Donald Trump has strongly indicated that he may run for the White House again in 2024.

Addressing a crowd in Sioux City, Iowa, he said "very, very, very probably do it again" in 2024, the BBC reported.

According to the report, Donald Trump was speaking at the first of four rallies in five days while campaigning for Republican candidates in next week's midterm elections.

American voters will decide the balance of power in the US Congress and key state governorships. The midterms will also forecast the US political landscape ahead of the presidential election in two years' time.

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On Thursday night, Trump repeated his unfounded claim of election fraud in the 2020 presidential polls.

"I ran twice," he said. "I won twice, and did much better the second time than I did the first, getting millions more votes in 2020 than I got in 2016. And likewise, getting more votes than any sitting president in the history of our country by far," he said, as quoted by BBC.

"And now in order to make our country successful, and safe and glorious. I will very, very, very probably do it again. Very soon," he told the cheering crowd. "Get ready."

Donald Trump won the most votes ever - 72 million - for a sitting president in 2020 but still lost to the Democrat Joe Biden who polled 81 million votes.

Trump has teased a potential third campaign for the US presidency for months.

In October, he told a rally in Texas: "I will probably have to do it again." In Pennsylvania in September, he said: "I may just have to do it again."

According to BBC, Trump's former senior counsellor Kellyanne Conway said that her former boss would "announce soon" about his possible presidential plans.

If he chooses run in 2024, he may face his former Vice-President Mike Pence and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, among Republicans, as challengers for the bid.