Global Counter Terrorism Council Meet: The annual conference of the Global Counter-Terrorism Council (GCTC) was held virtually on Monday where policies of America and China were discussed, along with issue of global terrorism. General Officer Commanding-in-Chief (ARTRAC) Lt Gen Raj Shukla, said that the Chinese army was mastering conventional warfare while the US was combating terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. At the virtual conference, Lt Gen Raj Shukla, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief(ARTRAC) of the Indian Army, interacted with the former CIA Chief, General David Petraeus (Retd). 

Global Counter Terrorism Council Conference-

During the conference, Lt Gen Raj Shukla asked General Petraeus if China will join hands with Pakistan and try to gain control over Afghanistan after the US pulled out its troops from there. In response to this question, Petraeus said that China has been investing in Afghanistan for quite a long time. But China is being extremely careful about Afghanistan. On Lt General Shukla's question regarding when will China start sending its troops at the global level regarding the affairs of other countries, General Petraeus replied that China has made unprecedented growth in the last 40 years. The Chinese army is also participating in the UN Peacekeeping Mission and is also establishing its ports and military bases in countries like Pakistan and Djibouti, he added. 


Terrorists may get access to nuclear bomb anytime - Petraeus

Speaking on the occasion, General Petraeus said that at present the fight against global terrorism has been successful to an extent, but it is a never-ending battle. He said that no one knows when the terrorists get access to an atomic bomb. Petraeus said that a large number of forces have gathered along the border between Ukraine and Russia which suggests that conventional war is as much a threat as global terrorism. According to Lt. Gen. Shukla, the way action has been taken everywhere in the world against terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda, ISIS, Jaish-e-Mohammed, they will never be allowed to have a Khalifa system or capture a large area in countries like Syria and Iraq. In such a situation, 'War on Terror' has been successful to an extent.