PARIS: Pro-European centrist Emmanuel Macron won a landslide victory in the French presidential election against Marine Le Pen, the leader of the extreme right-wing National Front.

Macron, 39, is France’s youngest president and has never before been elected to public office.

According to the official results announced, Macron received 66.06 per cent of the vote, while his rival, Marine Le Pen, got 33.94 per cent votes, BBC quoted the French Interior Ministry as saying.

In his victory speech, Macron vowed to "rebuild the relationship between Europe and the peoples that make it."

The president-elect of France tweeted: "Let us love France. As of this evening and for the coming five years, I am going to serve with humility, with dedication, with determination, in your name."

"It’s a great honour and it’s a great responsibility, because nothing was inevitable. I want to say thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. My gratitude goes to all those of you who provided their vote and their support. I won’t forget you. I’ll put all my care and energy into being worthy of your trust," Macron said in his speech.

"With all my strength I shall fight against the division which undermines and weakens us," he added.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Macron and said he looked forward to working closely with him to further strengthen the bilateral relations.

"Congratulations to Emmanuel Macron fr an emphatic victory in the French Presidential election. #Presidentielle2017," Modi tweeted.

"I look forward to working closely with President-elect Emmanuel Macron to further strengthen India-France ties," he added.

US President Donald Trump congratulated the next French president, saying he looks forward to working with him.

"Congratulations to Emmanuel Macron on his big win today as the next President of France. I look very much forward to working with him!," tweeted Trump.

British PM Theresa May also took to twitter to congratulated him on his victory.

"I warmly congratulate Emmanuel Macron on his success and look forward to working with him on a wide range of shared priorities," she tweeted.