US Elections 2020: Donald Trump who announced almost a week ago that he along with the First Lady had tested positive for Coronavirus, now says that catching the virus "was a blessing from God".

n a video message posted on his official social media handles, US President Donald Trump said that catching the coronavirus was a 'blessing from God'.

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"I feel perfect. I think this was a blessing from God that I caught it. This was a blessing in disguise. I caught it, I heard about this [Regeneron] drug and I said let me take it, it was my suggestion, and it was incredible. It did a fantastic job," said Donald Trump.

Trump, eager to revitalize his failing re-election campaign, repeatedly stressed how well he felt so far in his recovery from COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. It was unclear if he was still testing positive for the virus.

In the video message, which was shot outside the Oval Office, Donald Trump introduced himself as ''your favourite president" and went on to talk about the medicines he was given for his treatment.

"I got back from Walter Reed Medical Centre a day ago. I spent four days there. And.. I didn't have to. I could have stayed at the White House but the doctors said because you are the president, let's do it".

Donald Trump praises drug Regeneron

In the video message the US President did not wear a mask not wearing a mask and extensively spoke about the medicines, drugs that were given to him, and said that they were 'therapeutic'.

"I spent four days there [in hospital] and I wasn't feeling so hot and within a very short period of time, they gave me Regeneron. It was like, unbelievable. I felt good. Immediately. I felt as good, three days ago as I do now,” Trump said.

President Trump further said he was authorizing the federal acquisition of Regeneron and a new, similar anti-Covid-19 drug from Ely Lilly for free distribution to hospital patients nationwide.

"If I had not caught the coronavirus, we would have been looking at it as a number of other drugs. But, it really did a fantastic job. That’s what I want for everybody. I want everybody to be given the same treatment as your President because I feel great. I feel like perfect," said Donald Trump.

A White House official said Trump entered the office from the Rose Garden to avoid walking through the White House hallways and possibly exposing others to the coronavirus as quoted by agencies.

Chief of staff Mark Meadows, who briefed Trump in personal protective gear, said the White House was keeping access to the Oval Office extremely limited.

Trump had been in his residence in the White House since his dramatic made-for-video return from Walter Reed in a helicopter on Monday night.

Trump, who faces Democrat Joe Biden in the November election, has had no COVID-19 symptoms for the past 24 hours, his doctor Sean Conley said in a statement.

"He's now been fever-free for more than four days, symptom-free for over 24 hours, and has not needed, nor received, any supplemental oxygen since initial hospitalization," Conley said.

Donald Trump on coronavirus vaccine

Donald Trump hinted that politics will not let a vaccine be launched in America before the US elections.

"We are going to have a vaccine very very shortly. I think we should have it before the elections. But the politics gets involved, and that is okay, they wanna play their games. So it is going to be right after the election," he said.

(with inputs from agencies)