New Delhi: Donald Trump’s former senior advisor Jason Miller has launched a social media platform named "GETTR", in a bid to act against social media platforms censoring content that is alleged to be false or instigative.

GETTR is a Twitter-like platform with posts and trending topics, news website Politico first reported.

Previously, there had been several reports of the former president launching his own social media platform after he was blocked by giants like Facebook and Twitter following the January 6 riot where his supporters stormed Capitol Hill.

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After Twitter suspended Donald Trump's account in January, he took to the official @POTUS account to accuse the platform of conspiring with "Democrats and the Radical Left to silence" him.

"Twitter has gone further and further in banning free speech, and tonight, Twitter employees have coordinated with the Democrats and the Radical Left in removing my account from their platform, to silence me — and YOU, the 75,000,000 great patriots who voted for me," he had written in a series of angry tweets from the @POTUS account.

As the then outgoing president lashed out at Twitter, he went ahead to hint that he was considering building his own social media platform as he wrote: "Twitter may be a private company, but without the government's gift of Section 230, they would not exist for long. I predicted this would happen. We have been negotiating with various other sites and we have a big announcement soon, while we also look at the possibilities of building out own platform in the near future. We will not be SILENCE!".

"Twitter is not about FREE SPEECH. They are all about promoting a Radical Left platform where some of the most vicious people in the world are allowed to speak freely. STAY TUNED!" he added.

These tweets were deleted soon after.

Now, led by Trump's former Senior Advisor Jason Miller, GETTR is launching "in just a matter of days", the website informs as it invites people to sign up to gain early access.

The description on GETTR's website reads: "Big Tech platforms censor free speech, discriminate against conservatives and some even offer a poor user experience. GETTR is different. Our technology is cutting edge. We believe in fighting cancel culture, promoting common sense, defending free speech, challenging social media monopolies and creating a true marketplace of ideas".

Meanwhile, Miller told Fox News in an interview that he hopes to see Donald Trump join GETTR while the former president is considering a number of options. Trump is not funding the platform, he added.