KARACHI: Dacoits in Karachi have created a WhatsApp group, 'Dakaiti Qaumi Movement', to plan robberies, reports said. According to a report published in 'Jang', a daily newspaper of Pakistan, the members of the group have also set up a welfare programme for themselves, on the lines of the government agencies.

These revealations were made after the arrest of the kingpin and his aide. The police is conducting raids to nab other members.

"During interrogation, the kingpin of the robbers and the group admin confessed that the WhatsApp group 'Dakaiti Qaumi Movement' was created to contact each other without getting traced. Group admin used to plan robbery and only four to five members of the group used to target individuals/locations," the police told the newspaper.

The legal expenses of the member arrested, treatment of the member injured in police action and financial help to the families of the group members was also taken care of by the group, the report said.