New Delhi: The overall tally of COVID-19 cases all around the world has surpassed the 7.7 million mark with a surge of nearly 1,43,000 cases recorded over the past day, the John Hopkins University released these figures in their daily situation report on Saturday.

Over the past 24 hours, 5,055 people succumbed to the corona virus pandemic globally, taking the overall death toll to 429,666, according to the University's Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) figures in its latest update. The cumulative global toll of confirmed cases has now reached 7,764,977, as stated in the report.

The plurality of cases and deaths -- 3.64 million and 196,440, respectively -- remain concentrated in the Americas. The United States continues being the country with the highest single count of cases (2 million) and fatalities .

The United States continued to reel under the pandemic attack, reporting 734 deaths in the last 24 hours bringing the total death toll to 115,436, according to John Hopkins University.

"It's important that we remember that this situation is unprecedented. And that the pandemic has not ended," Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Friday.

President Donald Trump's administration allows that there are new flare-ups in coronavirus caseloads in some states but insists there will be no shutdown of the economy if a second full-blown wave arises.

In terms of cases, Brazil comes in the second place with 850,514 infections.

This was followed by Russia (519,458), India (308,993), the UK (295,828), Spain (243,605), Italy (236,651), Peru (220,749), France (193,746), Germany (187,267), Iran (184,955), Turkey (176,677), Chile (167,355), Mexico (142,690), Pakistan (132,405), Saudi Arabia (123,308) and Canada (100,043), the CSSE figures showed.

Regarding fatalities, Brazil has overtaken the UK in the second position with 42,720 COVID-19 deaths. The other countries with over 10,000 deaths are the UK (41,566), Italy (34,223), France (29,377), Spain (27,136) and Mexico (16,448).