New Delhi: Australia reported the first death due to the Omicron Covid-19 variant in New South Wales even as the country’s most populous state recorded 6,000 fresh cases. The person who died due to Omicron was fully vaccinated, but had some serious health problems.

New South Wales reported 6,324 new Covid-19 cases on Monday. There were 524 people in hospitals, including 55 in intensive care.

New measures also came into force in New South Wales on Monday, including limits of one person per two square meters (22 square feet) in bars and restaurants and required "check-ins" with QR codes in hospitality venues.

Meanwhile, Singapore has lifted restrictions imposed on 10 African countries due to Omicron, while authorities fear doubling of cases in the coming days.

Passengers arriving in Singapore from Botswana, Eswatini, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa and Zimbabwe within the past 14 days will come under the country's 'Category 4' border rules.

Passengers coming from these countries will have to undergo RT-PCR test two days before leaving for Singapore as well as on arrival. They will be isolated for 10 days at a dedicated Covid-19 facility. Another PCR test will be done at the end of their quarantine period.

Before this, long-term pass holders and short-term visitors with recent travel history to these 10 African countries were not allowed entry. It was mandatory for Singaporean citizens and permanent residents returning from these countries to stay in isolation in designated centres for 10 days.

The Health Ministry said it expected a new wave of local cases "soon" given the higher transmissibility of the Omicron variant. According to the ministry, cases are expected to double in the coming days and weeks.

Till Saturday, 546 cases of Omicron were confirmed in Singapore, out of which 443 people had travel history. Singapore reported 209 new Covid-19 cases on Sunday. So far, 822 people have died of Covid-19 in the country and 2,77,764 people have been found infected.

Covid-19 Situation In Other Countries

On Sunday, France reported 1,04,611 cases -- the third consecutive day the numbers touched record highs. However, the number of deaths in the country is low, with Covid-19 killing 84 people on Saturday. 

In Italy, more than 50,000 Covid cases have been reported in a row for the third day. Italy's Health Minister said 54,762 new cases were registered on Saturday. Meanwhile, 144 people have been killed during this period. In view of the increasing number of cases and Omicron threat, the government has made masks mandatory across the country. 

Britain is witnessing a mini tsunami of Covid-19 cases, mainly driven by the Omicron variant. More than one lakh cases have been registered for the second consecutive day. 

The United States saw a slight dip in Covid-19 cases on Saturday, recording 58,000 cases. The US CDC said that seven per cent of the total Covid-19 cases were of the Omicron variant.