New Delhi: A six-week-year-old American infant who died of complications related to COVID-19 is said to be the youngest recorded death caused due to the virus. According to the tweets by the Governor of Connecticut, Ned Lamont the infant who was from Hartford, Connecticut, United States was brought unresponsive to the hospital and testing confirmed that the infant was COVID-19 positive. Lamont wrote in his tweets ‘This is a virus that attacks our most fragile without mercy. This also stresses the importance of staying home and limiting exposure to other people. Your life and the lives of others could literally depend on it.,”

The United States is quickly becoming a hotspot for coronavirus and on Monday recorded 884 coronavirus deaths, setting a record for the highest number of coronavirus deaths in a day.

As per John Hopkins University, US sets new one-day record with 884 coronavirus deaths.

The number of infections keeps on rising with every passing day in the US, giving rise to a scary scenario, which Americans have not witnessed in decades. Members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force have predicted between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths, even with the mitigation measures including lockdown like situation across the country

Also Watch: 6-week-old dies in America, death toll crosses 5000 mark

The US death toll has even surpassed that of China where the pandemic had started in December. According to reports from Baltimore-based John Hopkins University, there have been 3,415 deaths in the US from the virus. Although children and young people are generally considered to be the demographic least affected by the virus, there have been reports of fatalities of young children due to the virus. Last month the governor of the US state Illinois had announced the death of a nine-month-old due to COVID-19.