New Delhi: As Canada is gradually coming out of the coronavirus-induced lockdown, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took his six-year-old son Hadrien out for an ice-cream treat on Wednesday, and tweeted a picture of their little father-son moment. Also Read: Global Covid-19 Cases To Reach 10 Million 'Within A Week', Grim Warning By WHO

It is to be noted that Saint Jean Baptiste Day in Quebec province was also marked that day. Trudeau and Hadrien were seen in the picture wearing masks while buying the ice-cream.

“Even though we’re not able to celebrate Fête nationale du Quebec and Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day like we usually do, I hope you’re finding new ways to celebrate - Hadrien and I stopped by @ChocoFavoris in Gatineau today to pick up some treats for the family!,” Trudeau tweeted.

According to a pool report, Trudeau said the shop tapped into a federal emergency wage subsidy and business loan in order to weather the pandemic, and "avoid being frozen out of the frozen treat market."

Reports said that Trudeau’s little one jumped with excitement and opted for a vanilla cone with a cookie topping and Trudeau treated himself with a vanilla cone dipped in chocolate. They then went to the patio and removed their masks to enjoy the treat.

Canada has been under lockdown after the its provinces and territories declared states of emergency in the middle of March due to spread of Coronavirus.

Canada has recorded 102,242 cases so far, and 8,484 deaths. 65,091 patients have been cured in the country.

It has been announced that from Tuesday, the Passengers travelling by train will be required to wear masks to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission.