New Delhi: The number of positive cases of COVID-19 recorded worldwide has reached over 2 million. The exact figure is still not known because of the lack of testing and the availability of testing kits. The numbers are however continuing to grow steadily even while there are some parts of the world that have somewhat contained the virus.

According to the John Hopkins University numbers. The worst-hit country is the USA with 6,39,644, followed by Spain and then Italy with 1,82,816 and 1,65,155 recorded cases, respectively.

Spain's coronavirus death toll soared past 19,000 on Thursday after another 551 people died of COVID-19, with the numbers reflecting a slowdown after nearly five weeks on lockdown. One of the worst-hit countries in the world, Spain has seen the increase in the number of deaths and infections come down over the past fortnight, with the overnight fatalities taking the toll to 19,130.

The growing numbers are making medical researchers work overtime to develop a vaccine with 3 out of the 70 being worked on already under the human trails phase. With a lockdown on in most countries, the economy is also seeing the effect and according to experts might take a while to recover.

In India, the total number of cases saw a steep rise the day before the extension of the lockdown. At present, the total number has reached over 12000 in India. As a measure to combat the menace of the virus PM Modi extended a nationwide lockdown until May 3, leaving more than one billion people under severe restrictions.

The worst-hit states in India are Maharashtra with over 2916 recorded cases, Delhi with over 1578 recorded cases and Tamil Nadu with over 1242 cases and the total death toll has reached 414. India just received around 6.5 lakhs testing kits, which will help expedite the testing process in the country.

Kerala was the state to be hit first but is making a steady recovery. It has been the only state so far to record only one positive case in the last 24 hours which is not absolute as according to reports enough tests could be not done due to the lack of testing kits.