New Delhi: In the wake of the spread of coronavirus or COVID-19 disease, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday called upon the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) nations to "remain more vigilant", as the outbreak of novel coronavirus that has infected nearly 150 people in the region.

The Prime Minister gave the suggestion to the SAARC member nations through a video-conference which aims to promote the World Health Organisation's advice to avoid public gathering declaring the disease a pandemic. "As we all know, COVID-19 has recently been classified by the World Health Organisation as a pandemic. So far, our region has listed fewer than 150 cases. But we need to remain vigilant," Prime Minister Modi said.

"As we prepare to face this challenge, let me briefly share India's experience of combating the spread of this virus so far. 'Prepare, but don't panic' has been our guiding mantra," he added.

"The step-by-step approach has helped avoid panic." Modi said. He said that India has made special efforts to reach out to vulnerable groups and has worked to quickly ramp up capacity in its system including through training of medical staff.

"We also responded to the call of our people abroad. We evacuated nearly 1,400 Indians from different countries. We also similarly helped some of the citizens of our neighbouring countries."

"We must all work together and must succeed together. We are still in an unknown situation," Modi said.

Maldivian President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Bhutanese Premier Lotay Tshering, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Nepalese Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani participated in the conference. On behalf of Pakistan, its Minister of State for Health Dr Zafar Mirza attended the video conference.

The Prime Minister began by thanking Nepali Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli to join the conference immediately after being discharged from the hospital following a kidney transplant.

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The conference was organised following Prime Minister Modi's proposal on Friday seeking formulation of a joint strategy by SAARC member nations to control and monitor the Covid-19 outbreak which originated in China's Wuhan city in December last year and has killed over 5,000 people and infected more than 1.50 lakh people globally.

China remains the worst-hit with 3,189 deaths and 80,824 confirmed cases of infection. No death has been reported in Pakistan while two persons have died in India due to the disease. So far, 28 cases of coronavirus have been reported in Pakistan and there are 107 confirmed cases in India.

(with inputs from agencies)