United States President Joe Biden's attorney said on Wednesday that no classified documents were found in search of Joe Biden's beach home in Delaware, news agency Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported. 

The search for President Joe Biden's beach house in Delaware began on Tuesday, according to his lawyer, in the latest stage of an investigation to find improperly stored classified documents, news agency Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported. 

The Rehoboth beach house search, which was conducted "with the president's full support and cooperation," came after previous searches yielded a modest number of documents in Joe Biden's house in Wilmington and former office space in Washington, DC, the report said.

The president has voluntarily allowed the Justice Department into his residences as investigators tried to figure out how classified documents from Biden's time as vice president and senator ended up at his house and office. The investigation began after Biden's lawyers discovered classified documents on November 2 while closing an office at the Penn Biden Center, an Ivy League think tank affiliated with the school, news agency Associated Press (AP) reported. 

Documents were also discovered at his Wilmington home by his own lawyers, who launched an investigation after learning about the Penn Biden Center documents. The FBI also searched the Penn Biden Center in November after documents were discovered there, the Associated Press (AP) reported on Tuesday citing a source familiar with the situation.

"Under DOJ's standard procedures, it sought to do this work without advance public notice in the interests of operational security and integrity, and we agreed to participate," Biden's lawyer, Bob Bauer was quoted as saying by AP.  "The search today is a further step in a thorough and timely DOJ process we will continue to fully support and facilitate. We will have further information at the conclusion of today’s search " he added further as stated in the report. 

A representative for the FBI referred questions to the Justice Department. A message left seeking comment was not immediately returned. It was unclear whether any further secret documents were discovered, the report said. 

(With Inputs From Agencies)