Islamabad: China has come out in full support of Pakistan's position and stance on the Jammu and Kashmir issue along with its extended sustenance on Islamabad "independently" choosing a development path based on its "national conditions" in the context of external security parameters. ALSO READ | After India's Aatmanirbhar Call, US Prez Trump & Democratic Nominee Joe Biden Vow To End Reliance On China

A joint statement issued after the talks between Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and China's State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi during Qureshi's two-day visit to Beijing said: "The Chinese side reiterated that Pakistan and China are iron brothers and Pakistan remains China's staunchest partner in the region and that China firmly supports Pakistan in safeguarding its territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence, and independently choosing a development path based on its national conditions, striving for a better external security environment and playing a more constructive role in international and regional affairs."

The Kashmir issue was also brought into consideration and discussion during the meeting. Qureshi briefed the Chinese side on the situation in what it calls 'Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK)'.

China has seconded Pakistan's stance on Kashmir, declaring the dispute left over from the history between India and Pakistan, urging that the dispute should be resolved peacefully and properly through the UN charter, relevant Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements.

"China opposed any unilateral actions that complicate the situation," maintained the Chinese side.

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It should be noted that it was China, which had requested a closed-door discussion on the Jammu and Kashmir issue, seconding Islamabad's request on the same at the UN Security Council.

Other than the Kashmir issue, China's support to Pakistan for taking an independent decision, in line with its national interests, is signaling alarm to the Arab world, which has been pushing Islamabad to distance itself from China and see its progress in its ties with the US and its allies.

The joint statement has reiterated that there would be no compromise on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), highlighting that it would continue to pursue the completion of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), brushing aside any pressure Islamabad faces from some external global powers.

"The two sides will continue to firmly advance the construction of CPEC, ensure in-time completion of those projects under construction, focus on economic and social development, job creation and improvement of people's livelihood, and further strengthen cooperation in special economic zones, industrial relocation, science and technology, medical and health, human resources training, poverty alleviation, and agriculture etc., with the aim to continuously unleash the great potential of CPEC to make it a hub of regional connectivity," said the joint statement.

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China's support has been reciprocated by Pakistan also, as it has assured complete support in safeguarding Beijing's national security and sovereignty.

Islamabad has reaffirmed complete and extended support to Beijing on issues related to the core interests and issues of major concerns, especially those related to Taiwan, Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong.

Pakistan and China have also agreed to further strengthen cooperation on the Afghan peace and reconciliation process, appreciating efforts that have led to the initiation of the intra-Afghan dialogue.

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