New Delhi: Finally, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has tested negative for Coronavirus, more than two weeks after he first tested positive for Covid-19. Bolsonaro was first diagnosed on July 7.

He took to his social media account to make the announcement that he is cured of the disease along with a picture of himself having breakfast at the Alvorada Palace, the presidential residence in Brasilia.

In the photo, he appeared with a box of hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drug he credited for his recovery despite a lack of scientific evidence about its effectiveness.

In the four tests he undertook in a span on 18 days, Bolsonaro had tested positive thrice.

After being diagnosed with novel coronavirus Bolsonaro went into isolation at the Alvorada Palace.

Bolsonaro became the centre of criticism in global media, after he argued that the lockdowns were having a more damaging effect on the economy than the virus itself, and accused the media of spreading panic and paranoia, despite a sharp rise in its daily coronavirus trends.

Coronavirus Situation in Brazil:

Brazil is the second worst affected country by coronavirus after the United States and accounts for the second highest number of coronavirus cases and deaths in the world. As of Sunday, the country registered a total of 2,394,513 infections and 86,449 deaths.

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