New Delhi: In a highly traumatic news, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was found to be infected with deadly Coronavirus infection on Tuesday. ALSO READ | PM Modi To Make Worldwide Address At India Global Week 2020 On July 9

According to the various foreign media reports, Bolsonaro had begun displaying symptoms associated with the disease on Sunday. While announcing his diagnosis to journalists, the presidential palace also confirmed that he has started taking hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug which is being considered as a possible preventive treatment for the disease.

Brazil is the second worst-hit COVID-19 countries in the world, followed by India on the third spot and Russia on the fouth.

Brazil has so far registered over 1.63 million confirmed cases of Coronavirus which had first appeared in China's Wuhan last year in December. Brazil's death toll due to COVID-19 stands at 65,000.

Meanwhile, India on Sunday surpassed Russia at the third spot in the list of worst-hit COVID-19 countries in the world. As on Sunday, according to the latest updates by, India's total COVID-19 tally stood at 687,760, while Russia at fourth place had 681,251.

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India is now preceded only by Brazil and then the US, which has over 15 lakh and 28 lakh cases right now.

Ever since the outbreak of Coronavirus, President Jair Bolsonaro has been highly criticized by the people of the country over the policies being made to combat the novel coronavirus. He has often made to the headlines for breaching lockdown and social distancing norms.

It is to be noted that this is not the first time when Bolsonaro displayed Coronavirus symptoms. In March, after multiple members of his delegation to a U.S. visit contracted the virus, Bolsonaro had showed some symptoms but tested negative each time.