All 14 people onboard a plane died after it crashed in Brazil's northern Amazon state on Saturday, the state's governor said, as reported by Reuters. The tragic incident took place in the Barcelos province, around 400 km (248 miles) from the state capital, Manaus. According to a CNN report, the Bandeirante model vehicle was carrying 12 tourists, along with the pilot and co-pilot. The accident happened when the medium-sized plane was trying to land in the city at around 3 PM (Brazil time), CNN Brasil reported. 

Wilson Lima, Governor of Amazonas state took to X, formerly known as Twitter, and said, "I deeply regret the death of the 12 passengers and two crew members who were victims of the plane crash in Barcelos on Saturday."

"Our teams have been working from the outset to provide the necessary support. My sympathy and prayers go out to their families and friends," the Governor added.

Brazil's Civil Defence has confirmed there were no survivors in the accident, reported CNN Brasil.

According to the report, the aeroplane possibly crashed due to bad weather and it was raining heavily at the time of landing, as quoted by ANI. It stated that the passengers were going to practice recreational fishing. 

Mirror quoted Brazilian online newspaper Metrópoles as saying that there were US tourists among the 14 victims.

According to the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac), the plane belonged to the company named Manaus Taxi Aereo. The aircraft was regularised and authorised to carry out air taxi service, Ananc added.

The Center for Research and Prevention of Aeronautical Accidents (Cenipa) in a statement said that investigators from the Seventh Regional Service for Investigation and Prevention of Aeronautical Accidents (Seripa VII) were asked to report to the site of the plane crash, ANI stated citing CNN Brasil report.