New Delhi: Amid the relentless spread of Omicron across the world, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has expressed concern over the new Coronavirus variant.

Bill Gates, through a series of tweets, sought to alert people about the dangerous variant that's sweeping the western world and driving cases to alarming levels. Stressing the danger of the new strain, Gates said that Omicron is spreading faster than any other variant and hence people need to be vigilant. He added that if timely and necessary precautions are not taken, the world could be heading into the worst phase of the pandemic. His word of caution comes at a time when Omicron has become the dominant variant in the United States.  

The Microsoft co-founder also said that the jump in Omicron cases worldwide is quite alarming. In a series of tweets, Bill Gates revealed that he has canceled most of his holiday plans in the wake of the global fallout of the new strain. He said that many of his close friends have been infected by the new strain, adding that people need to shun complacency and take necessary precautions. "If we are not careful, we can go through a worse phase of the pandemic. Gates tweeted, "Just when it seemed like life would return to normal, we could be entering the worst part of the pandemic. Omicron will hit home for all of us. Close friends of mine now have it, and I’ve canceled most of my holiday plans."

In a subsequent tweet, Gates said while not a lot is not known about Omicron yet, it needs to be taken seriously. Even though it is less lethal than the Delta variant, everyone is at risk as it is highly contagious, he added.  

The Microsoft co-founder emphasized on taking precautions against Covid-19. Bill Gates said everyone should wear masks, avoid large indoor gatherings and crowded places. He also advised people not to be negligent about vaccination. He stressed the importance of booster doses, which he said can provide good protection against the new strain.

Gates, however, assured people that the pandemic was not going to last forever and that the curbs and clampdowns currently in place would be lifted in a few months.