As the conflict between Israel and Hamas rages on, the Indian Embassy in Israel has urged citizens stranded in the war-torn country to remain "calm and vigilant" and follow the issued advisories, according to a statement. In a video message on Wednesday, the Indian Ambassador to Israel, Sanjeev Singla, assured desperate people to remain calm and follow the guidelines issued by local authorities, as well as to contact the embassy's emergency numbers in case of trouble.

"The Embassy has been working constantly to help our fellow citizens in Israel through a 24-hour helpline. Please remain calm & vigilant & follow the security advisories. 24*7 Emergency Helpline/Contact: Tel +972-35226748, Tel +972-543278392. Email:," the embassy said in a statement.

Earlier in the day, the Indian Embassy in Israel issued a statement urging Indian nationals living in the war-torn country to "register themselves with the Embassy of India, Tel Aviv, and Israel".

"Registration with the Embassy will facilitate any measures that need to be taken in a situation of emergency or if such a need arises. It will also facilitate information availability about various events through our emailing network," according to the statement. 

"The Embassy has been working constantly to help our fellow citizens in Israel through a 24-hour helpline. Please remain calm & vigilant & follow the security advisories," it added.

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) established a 24-hour Control Room to monitor the situation and provide information and assistance. Click here for more information. 

Representative Office of India to the State of Palestine, Rammallah also issued an emergency helpline for the Indian diaspora. 

This comes after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his support for Israel during a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Prime Minister stated that India is "firmly with Israel in this difficult hour".

New Delhi also condemned the terrorist attack in Israel on Saturday (October 7). "I thank Prime Minister @netanyahu for his phone call and providing an update on the ongoing situation. People of India stand firmly with Israel in this difficult hour. India strongly and unequivocally condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations," the prime minister stated on Twitter.

The Israeli embassy in India reverted a post thanking Prime Minister Modi for his "unwavering" support for Israel. "We extend our gratitude to all our Indian friends for standing firmly with Israel during these challenging times," the statement said. 

India has long been an ally of Israel. In 2015 and 2016, New Delhi abstained from a UN vote on whether Israel should be brought before the International Criminal Court for alleged war crimes committed during the 2014 Gaza crisis.