Islamabad (Pakistan): Newly-elected Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa who will be visiting India to meet PM Narendra Modi on November 29 today accepted Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's invite to visit Islamabad. Imran Khan had telephoned Rajapaksa on his victory in the presidential polls and invited him to visit Pakistan. President Gotabaya accepted the invitation, Radio Pakistan reported.

On Gotabaya's election victory, Imran had tweeted: "Congratulations to Gotabaya Rajapaksa on victory in Sri Lankan Presidential elections. Pakistan looks forward to working closely with him & with Sri Lanka, for further deepening & broadening our brotherly ties & close cooperation for peace, progress and prosperity of our people."

In a statement, the Pakistan government said on Tuesday that Imran Khan had phoned up Rajapaksa to felicitate him on his election. "The two leaders reciprocated each other's desire to further fortify bilateral cooperation in diverse areas," the statement said.

Imran invited Gotabaya Rajapaksa to visit Islamabad at his earliest convenience, which the Sri Lankan President has accepted. The date of the meeting between the two leaders is not decided yet.

On Tuesday, the new Sri Lankan president accepted Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's invite to visit India and said he would be visiting on November 29.