Afghanistan News: The Taliban have occupied almost every part of Afghanistan, but they are yet to capture the Panjsheer Valley. According to reports, a fierce battle has erupted between Taliban fighters and the Nordron Alliance in the Panjsheer Valley. Taliban fighters are trying to move forward in the region, which is a tough fight with Ahmed Shah Masood's fighters.

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Al Jazeera had earlier claimed that Masood's son had joined hands with the Taliban, although latest reports suggest that, in the Panjsheer Valley, a fierce battle broke out between the two groups. It may be recalled that Ahmed Shah Masood has been taking on Taliban since the Northern Alliance was formed. They never allowed Panjsheer to get captured by the Taliban.

After losing three districts of Baglan province, the Taliban have waged war once again In these districts. The Taliban have reportedly resumed attacks in Banu and Andarab in Baglan province.

Stampede at Kabul airport

Amid the panic, the Taliban opened fire at kabul airport today, following which a stampede broke out. Seven people were killed in the stampede. People have been constantly arriving at Kabul airport to leave Afghanistan, while thousands are already gathered there.