New Delhi:  At least 47 people were killed and about 67 people were injured after a fire broke out on Monday from an oxygen tank explosion at a Covid hospital in the southern city of Nassiriya, Iraq. 

Urgent meetings were held by Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi as rescue operations were being carried out, he ordered the immediate suspension and arrest of health and defense managers of Nassiriya along with the manager of the hospital, a statement issued by the PM's office said. 

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Although the fire was brought under control and the rescue operations continued at the al-Hussain coronavirus hospital, the thick smoke prevented rescue workers from entering certain parts of the hospital. Many are still missing and the death toll is suspected to rise, among those who lost their lives are two health care workers.

"Raging fires have trapped many patients inside the coronavirus ward and rescue teams are struggling to reach them," a health worker told Reuters. 

According to the initial report, the fire was caused by an oxygen tank explosion inside the hospital's COVID-19 wards.

"I heard a big explosion inside the coronavirus wards and then the fire had erupted very quickly, "Ali Muhsin, a hospital guard told Reuters. 

This is another big blow for Iraq's healthcare system which has struggled to cope with the coronavirus crisis, which has killed 17,592 people and infected more than 1.4 million according to the Reuters report. 

"The catastrophe of Al-Hussein Hospital is clear proof of the failure to protect the lives of Iraqis, and it is time to put an end to this," Mohamed al-Halbousi, Iraq's Parliament Speaker, wrote on Twitter.

Videos were shared online showed thick clouds of smoke billowing from the Al Hussein hospital.

Health infrastructure in the country is dilapidated due to under-investment and corruption so accidents like such are frequent.