Chennai: Ahead of the Tamil Nadu assembly elections, the state-level committee of the Bharatiya Janata Party was tremendously trolled for using dancing clips of political enthusiast and professional Bharatanatyam dancer Srinidhi Chidambaram to promote the party’s symbol. Unfortunately for BJP, Srinidhi Chidambaram is none other than the wife of Congress leader and Lok Sabha MP of Sivaganga constituency, Karti Chidambaram.
The clip was taken without her permission. It was from Tamil musical ‘Semmozhiyana Thamizh Mozhiyam', lyrics of which was written by M.Karunanidhi and it was composed by A.R.Rahman.
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The Twitter page @BJP4Tamilnadu immediately removed the tweet after a strong criticism from Twitteratis. Srinidhi Chidambaram too responded to this faux pas by tweeting, “It is ridiculous that BJP has used my image for their propaganda. Lotus can never bloom in Tamilnadu” saying BJP has no chance of winning in the upcoming election.
The Tamil Nadu Congress committee too tweeted and said that the BJPs campaign is full of lies and propaganda.