New Delhi: The Tamil Nadu Government on Friday informed the Madras High Court that one of the seven life term convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, Nalini Sriharan was granted parole for one month at the request of her ailing mother, reported ANI. Nalini’s advocate, Radhakrishnan was quoted by ANI as saying: “She will be released on parole today after completing surety formalities.”

A division bench of Justices P N Prakash and R Hemlatha was informed by the public prosecutor, Hasan Mohammed about the parole, reported PTI. S Padma, mother of Nalini Sriharan had filed a habeas corpus petition requesting for the parole of her daughter, which came up for further hearing today. 

The petition was closed after this recording. 

Padma, in her petition, had stated that she wanted her daughter to be by her bedside as she was suffering from various illnesses. Regarding the same, she had sent several representations to the Tamil Nadu government which were of no avail. 

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Nalini would be staying with her mother, sister Kalyani, and brother Bhagyanathan in Vellore for one month. 

Seven people were convicted for life term in connection with the assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. He was assassinated by a suicide bomber of the Liberation of Tamil Tiger Eelam (LTTE) at Sriperumbudur on May 21, 1991. Among the seven people convicted were Murugan, Santhan, Perarivalan, Jayakumar, Robert Payas, Ravichandran, and Nalini. 

This is the second time when Nalini would be granted parole, the last time was in 2019. 

Currently, Nalini is lodged in Special Women’s jail in Vellore, while her husband Murugan is in Vellore Jail.