New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday released a 'White Paper' with the aim to help the governments prepare well for the futuew Covid-19 wave, which the experts believe is likely to be 'inevitable'.

In a press conference via video conferencing held today, the Congress leader said, "the aim of this white paper on COVID19 is not finger-pointing at the government but to help the nation prepare for the third wave of infection. It is a blueprint on how to react to the third wave... to provide the government with information and insight on what went wrong during the second wave of Covid-19."

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Speaking to the media, Rahul Gandhi noted that management of the first and second wave was 'disastrous'. Warning the government of multiple waves of coronavirus, the former Congress president asked the Centre to ramp up preparations for future Covid waves. The politician noted that mass vaccination is the only way out to Covid pandemic while rest are the tactics. 

"It's clear that management of the first and second wave of COVID was disastrous, & we've tried to point out the reasons behind it. I would even go so far as to say that there might be waves even after the third wave of COVID19 as the virus is mutating," Rahul Gandhi said. 

"Central pillar is vaccination. It is very important that we have aggressive vaccination and have 100 per cent vaccination. The government must be prepared... have hospitals, oxygen, meds ready," Congress leader added. 

Gandhi observed the "good work" done one the first day of implementation of mass vaccination drive in the country as highest number of vaccines administered were administered in single day. However, Gandhi said, "This is not a series of events. Govt has to make this process work not just for one day but everyday until we've vaccinated our whole population." 

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When asked to share his views on the accute shortage of medical Oxygen in hospitals during second wave, Rahul Gandhi said, "90 per cent of people who have died could have been saved. The biggest reason for this was the lack of oxygen at the time. While there is no shortage of oxygen in the country. PM's tears did not save the lives of people but oxygen could have."

Rahul Gandhi's virtual press conference has come a dat after he termed the Centre's decision of not paying an ex-gratia to kin of those who died of Covid-19 as "cruelty". Gandhi criticised the Centre for denying compensation. He said that compensation is just a small help for the people and the Modi government is unwilling to do that.