Coronavirus Lockdown In Pune: Despite the rising cases of coronavirus in the country, there is no shortage of people violating the lockdown. Police have been dealing with the issue in various levels of intensity while cases of atrocities have come out, the Pune police have found an innovative way to dissuade lockdown violation. On Tuesday many found themselves performing sit-ups after being caught outside strolling. The Pune police caught several people who had stepped outside their homes for a walk and they were then told to do sit-ups. The incident was caught on video and in it, the police keep a countdown while the violators are made to do sit-ups in rows holding their ears. Protocols of social distancing were maintained while the punishment was being met.

The Pune police have been using the same method for a while now. On April 16 a video emerged of 55 violators who were out for a morning walk. The police had rounded them, and they were made to do sit-ups. These methods are being used in order to deter people from violating the lockdown regulations which require that no one steps out of their house except for emergencies or for purchasing necessities. After the extension of the lockdown, the government has also issued a guideline regarding the activities that continue to be prohibited during the lockdown.

Maharashtra has become one of the biggest hotspots for coronavirus in India. The state has crossed over 4000 confirmed cases. Despite the efforts made by the government, the cases continue to rise. Cities such as Mumbai and Pune have been declared as Red Zones along with many other parts of the state.