New Delhi: A policeman, identified as Saifullah Qadri, was shot dead by terrorists in Anchar area of Soura, Srinagar. His daughter was also injured in this attack, said Police. "The policeman and his daughter received bullet injuries in this attack. Both were shifted to the hospital where the policeman succumbed to critical injuries. "The daughter of the slain policeman is being treated at the hospital. The area has been surrounded for searches," a source said.

The terrorists managed to escape from the spot after the attack. After getting the information, the police and security forces cordoned off the area. Alert has been issued at all the Nakas. CCTV cameras of the area are also being scanned to identify the terrorists. 

Meanwhile, Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha condemned the attack and said, "I strongly condemn the cowardly terror attack in Soura, Srinagar. I assure the people that those behind this despicable attack will not go unpunished. I salute the martyr Policeman SgCt Saifullah Qadri."

Amid the growing terror activities, Srinagar Police arrested two local hybrid militants of proscribed terror outfit The Resistance Front (TRF)/Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Vijay Kumar, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Kashmir informed on Monday. 

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According to the Inspector General of Police, the arrest was done following a raid based on technical inputs. He hailed the operation as a big success for the force as the personnel also recovered incriminating materials, arms, and ammunition including 15 pistols, 30 magazines, 300 rounds, and one silencer.

'Hybrid' militants are those who are not listed as ultras but persons radicalised enough to carry out a terror strike and then slip back into the routine life.

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