Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Tuesday reached out to the youth ahead of Lok Sabha polls and said Kerala Public Service Commission (PSC) is far ahead of the UPSC and other state PSCs in creating employment opportunities in the public sector.

Addressing the Chief Minister's face-to-face programme with the youth, organised in Thiruvananthapuram, Vijayan, as per PTI, said, "Kerala Public Service Commission (PSC) is setting an example for the entire country by making record appointments. More than 230,000 job recommendations have been issued since June 2016. The state government has created around 30,000 additional posts during this period." 

He asserted that Kerala's achievement is significant especially when millions of positions were vacant in central services and other states.

"The Union Public Service Commission has only filled 16,434 positions in central services across India since 2018. Meanwhile, Kerala PSC has set a record of appointments during the same period. Uttar Pradesh, with a population eight times larger than Kerala and three times as many government employees, has only made 37,632 appointments," stated the Left leader, as per the report.

In an implicit critique of the appointments made by PSCs in BJP-ruled states over the past five years, the CM highlighted that only 4,590 appointments were made in Madhya Pradesh, 11,535 in Maharashtra, and 8,890 in Gujarat.

Vijayan also noted that West Bengal appointed only 12,940 individuals, while Rajasthan appointed 31,869 during this timeframe.

His remarks come amid opposition claims of an unofficial ban on appointments within state services and alleged efforts to undermine the Kerala Public Service Commission under Left governance.

Meanwhile, with the highly anticipated Lok Sabha elections, the ruling CPI-M in Kerala convened a meeting of its top leadership on Friday to deliberate on potential candidates. The meeting was attended by Chief Minister Vijayan, state CPI-M Secretary MV Govindan, and party politburo members MA Baby and A Vijayaraghavan.

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