New Delhi: Even as the national capital continues to witness a spike in Covid-19 cases and stands at number three position, the Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday announced the opening of barber and salons shop but strictly advised on keeping the spas closed.The state has given the much-needed breather to business owners and citizens who have been struggling to get a haircut on their own. ALSO READ: Unlock 1: Delhi Borders To Be Sealed For Next One Week, Says Kejriwal; Essential Services Exempted

The chief minister praised the Delhi citizens in guiding the state to tackle the Covid-19 situation. All factories have also been opened in the capital. Till now the shops were open based on odd and even number but now all shops will be opened since restrictions have been lifted without the staggered timings.

Observing the Centre’s decision of not allowing any movement between 9 PM and 5 AM except essential services, the capital will follow the guideline. The chief minister Delhi said the border will be sealed for a week and office goers can continue to commute with the help of passes.

“If we open the borders then several patients will start coming in the capital. It will increase the risk of the disease spreading. The facilities for Delhi will fill up if patients from outside start coming,” said the CM.

As mentioned earlier, the government app informing patients about the beds available in Delhi hospitals will be unveiled by tomorrow.

He reiterated that coronavirus cases in Delhi have increased but there is nothing to be worried since facilities have been spruced up to tackle the crises.

Delhi witnessed highest jump in Covid-19 as 1,295 people reported positive for the virus on Sunday. The total number of coronavirus cases in the national capital stood at 19,844.