New Delhi: At a time when the world is battling with the ongoing pandemic because of the deadly coronavirus infection, another highly infectious virus is on a surge in the United Kingdom (UK). Public Health England (PHE) has issued a warning after witnessing a surge in norovirus cases during a routine surveillance.  

Mostly popular as the vomiting bug, norovirus  has some peculiar similarities with coronavirus.

ALSO READ: Delta Variant Of Covid-19 40-60% More Transmissible Than Alpha Variant: Govt Panel Chief

The British government has just lifted the lockdown restrictions in England doing away with social distancing protocol. The particular move has attracted criticism by scientists and opposition parties citing it as dangerous leap into the unknown.

What is Norovirus?

Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes vomiting and diarrhoea and can infect anyone.

What are similarities between coronavirus and Norovirus?

There a few similarities of the disease caused by norovirus to coronavirus, Firstly, people infected with norovirus can be asymptomatic, and the virus mutates rapidly with different strains of the virus found to be present around the same hospital during one season.

In fact the rapid spread change in the virus sometimes makes it difficult to recognise the evolved version by the standard testing kits.

Those who are symptomatic exhibit diarrhoea but some also experience vomiting as well.

Such a condition creates an aerosol full of viruses that can easily spread as happens with respiratory viruses. Covid-19 also causes diarrhoea in some patients.

What are symptoms seen in people with norovirus?

Some of the most common symptoms include diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea and stomach pain.

How does Norovirus spread?

The virus spreads rapidly and can easily move from one infected person to other through contaminated foods and surfaces.

Outbreaks can happen anytime, but they occur most often from November to April

What are precautions to be taken?

You need to wash hands and regularly rinse fruits and vegetables

Make sure that you stay home when down with the virus and don’t venture out even two days after the symptoms stop

Avoid preparing food for others when sick and for two days after symptoms stop