Mumbai: The Mumbai Narcotics Control Bureau arrested a 19-year-old college student in Bandra area late Saturday night and seized drugs from the accused along with cash worth Rs 2.30 lakh. The case has been registered against the accused and further investigation is underway.

The accused has hidden the drugs in the computer's CPU, and have been supplying drugs in regions including Bandra, Khar and Andheri. Also Read: SC To Hear Param Bir Singh’s Plea For CBI Probe Against Anil Deshmukh Today – All You Need To Know

The accused has been supplying drugs to Bollywood celebrities and others living in the suburban areas of the capital city. After the inputs were received, the NCB team organised a late night raid, and led by the zonal director Sameer Wankhede.

19-year-old college student Ayan Sinha arrested

As per the sources, the accused name is Ayan Sinha and when the NCB is raided his house, his two dogs tried to scare the NCB officers from entering but the NCB officials somehow managed to barge in.

NCB has seized mobile phone, computer, electronic gadgets and drugs measuring machine. The accused was produced in the court and sent to custody for four days by the court.

The accused during innterogation also took the name of celebrities whom he supplied drugs. The NCB says that the accused is not running the syndicate alone and they are looking for some more people involved in the trade.

The accused had sold drugs during the lock down and made a good amount of money.  After the accused was apprehended, the NCB launched a raid at some place in Bandra last evening.

The drugs drugs angle linked to actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death investigations have prompted the NCB and the police to conduct more raids to eliminate the menace that has allegedly plagued the Bollywood industry.