Kannada actor Kiccha Sudeep on Wednesday campaigned for BJP’s candidate from Molakalmuru Assembly constituency, S Thippeswamy, in Chitradurga. In a video shared by news agency ANI, Kiccha Sudeep was seen standing on a truck waving at the crowd along with Thippeswamy and other BJP leaders. In front of the vehicle was a horde of leaders and supporters cheering for the leaders and actors, some were even standing on another truck.

Earlier this month, the actor accompanied Karnataka Chief Minister, Basavaraj Bommai along with BJP national president JP Nadda and other BJP leaders who held a road show in Shiggaon. The actor extended his support to the Chief Minister, a move which was heavily criticised by the opposition.

When Bommai filed his papers before the election returning officer he was accompanied by the actor as well. Bommai is seeking re-claim Shiggaon, from where he has been an MLA three times since 2008.

The 63-year-old CM, who is the son of former Karnataka chief minister and Janata Parivar veteran late S R Bommai, had already filed one set of nominations during an "auspicious muhurat" on April 15, reported PTI. He will face a direct challenge from Congress candidate Mohammed Yousuf Savanur, President of Anjuman-e-Islam in Hubballi-Dharwad.

In the 2018 assembly elections, Bommai won from Shiggaon by 9,260 votes.

The 224-seat Karnataka Assembly Election is set to take place on May 10, 2023. The counting of votes has been scheduled on May 13.

Earlier this month, when the speculations began over the Kannada superstar Kichcha Sudeep joining the ruling BJP he received an alleged threat letter, prompting the police to register a case.

According to the police, Kichcha Sudeep's manager Jack Manju received a letter from an unknown person, threatening to release the actor's "private video" on social media.