New Delhi: Seems, all social media apps have turned into stalkers, continuously keeping a tab on us. Remember the irritating 'last seen' feature on Whatsapp? Now, there is Instagram too which has rolled out a new feature that shows the last time you used the app.

The feature is available in the Instagram Direct messages where you can see the last time when the user was online on the app. The only relief is that your active status isn’t visible to everyone. Only people you chatted with, follow or recently tagged in Stories can see when you were last using Instagram.

Instagram is yet to roll out the feature officially, but the updated version of Instagram already displays this for many users worldwide, including in India.

Meanwhile, people are really pissed with the new feature:


But all hope is not lost. You can turn it off! Go to Settings and turn off the feature titled 'Show Activity Status' and slide to disable.