Bengaluru: Days after an incident related to a Zomato delivery boy allegedly manhandled a woman and broke her nose in Bengaluru, founder of the food delivery app Deepinder Goyal on Friday came out with an official statement saying that the company is extending all possible support to both the parties to find out the truth.
Recently, a Bengaluru-based influencer - Hitesha Chandranee - claimed that a Zomato delivery executive had allegedly assaulted her after she complaint about her food being delivered late.
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The model and makeup artist, in a video, she had lodged a complaint with the Zomato customer care asking them to either deliver food free of cost or cancel the order after it was delayed by more than an hour.
The Zomato delivery executive was arrested on March 10 soon after she posted a video on micro-blogging site Twitter to share the incident by tagging the city police, who asked her to provide the area details to assist her further.
While Zomato has temporarily suspended the delivery executive accused of punching the customer, the food tech unicorn is also covering his legal expenses pertaining to the case, Goyal informed in the official statement.
Zomato is also covering the medical expenses of Hitesha. "We are in constant touch with Hitesha, covering her medical expenses, and helping her with the proceedings," Goyal said.
"We are also in constant touch with Kamaraj, extending all possible support to make sure both sides of the story come to light and that due process is followed in the spirit of fairness," he added.
However, Goyal also pointed out that Kamaraj (the delivery executive) has made around 5,000 deliveries for Zomato so far and has 4.75/5 star rating on the platform - which is one of the highest.
"Right from the get-go, our topmost priority has been to get to the truth. Towards that we are helping both Hitesha and Kamaraj (our delivery partner) with all the support they need while the investigation is pending. We are also assisting the police in whichever way asked," Goyal said.
In the four-minute video clip posted on social media, HItesha could be seen with a bloody gash on her nose, claiming that the delivery executive had attacked her after she confronted him over the delay in the delivery of her order.