Bandipora: A young boy from Kashmir's Bandipora has come up with a cost-effective and creative method of making masks for Covid-19 protection.

All over the world, coronavirus has disrupted the daily routine. Meanwhile, the epidemic has also impacted children's minds and their ability to think and understand as children are coming up with creative solutions to problems.

Muhammad Useed, who is studying in 4th Class, has made a similarly beautiful and successful attempt to deal with Corona. Useed has made a mask from a few items in the house that protects the face as well as the eyes.

According to Useed, the importance of masks is repeatedly emphasized on television. As a result, he came up with the idea of ​​making a mask that has no cost and is different from other masks.

The mask that Useed has made does not cost anything. Instead, it is made from carry bags used at home. He goes from house to house collecting these bags and making them from the mother's sewing machine at home. He has made hundreds of masks with his little hands to this day, which he has distributed among his colleagues without any compensation.

As a result, hundreds of children living in his neighborhood have not only been exposed to the importance of masks, they have also become accustomed to wearing masks.

Useed's family members say that at first, they thought he was playing with these bags and the sewing machine. But, after the first mask was ready, they realized that the effort had been successful and that he had done a truly unique job.

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