New York: Bringing an "extremely productive" week-long visit to an end, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday emplaned for New Delhi here, after delivering a speech at the 74th session of the UN General Assembly and holding a string of bilaterals earlier in the day. "This USA visit was an extremely productive one. Over the last few days, I have been able to take part in a diverse range of programmes, the outcomes of which will greatly benefit India and our development trajectory," the first in a series of tweets made by the PM read. "At the @UN, I shared my thoughts on how India's development strides have transformed the landscape of our nation and how India will keep working towards making our planet more peaceful, prosperous and harmonious. I also had excellent bilateral meetings with fellow world leaders," the Prime Minister added. "From the @UN forum, I shared views on India's progress in healthcare, mitigating climate change and the need for all those who believe in humanity to come together to fight terror. India was honoured to host a special event marking the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi," the leader also said, bringing focus to the special event which was held at the UN headquarters to mark the milestone celebration.

Modi further brought attention to his meeting with the CEOs of several top global companies in Houston and said, "Drawing more investment to India and acquainting the world with India's reform trajectory was one of the aims too. My interactions with energy sector CEOs in Houston and American captains of industry in NY were successful. The world is eager to explore opportunities in India." He also tweeted about the mega Howdy Modi! event which was held in Houston in his honour on Sunday. The community summit, which was attended by over 50,000 people from the Indian-American community, was held to welcome the PM. It also saw Modi jointly address the massive gathering with US President Donald Trump, who flew in especially from Washington to be a part of the event.

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"Community connect is at the heart of India-USA relations. I will never forget the #HowdyModi programme, made more special by the coming of @POTUS. That gesture showed how much he personally, and USA values ties with India as well as the role of our talented diaspora," Modi said on Friday. "Wherever I went, whoever I met, be it, world leaders, industrialists or citizens from all walks of life, there is a great spirit of optimism towards India. There is also an immense appreciation of India's efforts to improve sanitation, healthcare and empower the poor," he added.

The Prime Minister thanked Trump and also expressed gratitude to the people of the US. "I would like to express gratitude to the people of the USA for the exceptional welcome, warmth and hospitality. I would also like to thank @POTUS @realDonaldTrump and other respected members of the American Congress and Government," Modi tweeted.

During his official trip, the PM was also honoured with the Global Goalkeeper Award by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for his contributions to the cleanliness drive and efforts to improve access to sanitation in India through Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan. Friday's speech at the UNGA was the PM's first to the world body after being given a thumping mandate by the citizens of India to assume power for a second term. During the speech, he highlighted India's contribution to the global community in fighting climate change.

Modi also made a call for the world to fight against terrorism unanimously but refrained from making any mention of Pakistan in his speech, which is a departure from the address he made to the forum around five years ago. The PM had also addressed the UN Climate Action Summit on Monday, amongst a string of other engagements.
On his way back to New Delhi, his plane will make a technical halt at Frankfurt in Germany.