New Delhi:  ‘Love jihad’ became one of the blistering issues discussed at the World Hindu Congress in Chicago under the presence of RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat.

Citing examples of inter-faith marriages in India, banners were put up on the first day of the event denouncing religious conversion of Indian women.

One such example highlighted was of noted film actress Sharmila Tagore’s marriage to former India cricket skipper Nawab Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi.

Dileep Ameen, a writer, attending the event, said “Sharmila Tagore was forced to change her name to Begum Ayesha Sultan after converting to Islam. She had to raise her kids as Muslims and so were their names changed.”

“Sharmila’s son Saif also married a Hindu woman Amrita Singh and deserted her. His second wife Kareena Kapoor refused to adopt an Islamic name. Our question is whether their child will be raised under the shadow of Hindusim,” he added.

He said all over the world there’s silent holocaust taking place against Hindus.

Meanwhile, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat also gave a speech at the second World Hindu Congress (WHC) which coincides with the 125th anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s speech at the Parliament of World Religions in 1893 in Chicago.

Bhagwat said to the 2000-odd crowd,  ‘unity and oneness’ are the most urgent need for Hindu society to progress. “Hindus do not live to oppose anybody...but there are people who may oppose us. World is like that. You cannot change the world, you can change yourself. Without harming them you have to take care they should not harm you. ”