NEW DELHI: Yoga guru Ramdev on Monday asserted that his political role is to ensure that the country is governed by good people and said he will not support any political party for 2019.

When asked which political party he would support in the upcoming 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Ramdev said, "I have devoted myself to larger issues such as nation-building, character building, education, agriculture, and health, among others. Hence I see myself as a non-political, independent person who is in service of mother India. I work with the philosophy of nation first hence my political role is limited to ensure that the country is governed by good people."

While talking on the sideline of an event organised by FICCI Ladies Organisation, the women business wing of the trade body he further added: “I will also not campaign for any party and will remain neutral during the coming Lok Sabha elections in 2019.”

In June this year, Bharatiya Janata Party President Amit Shah had called on the yoga guru and sought his support for the party for the 2019 general elections.

Shah in June had met Ramdev as part of his Sampark for Samarthan (Contact for Support) initiative where he said "I came to Baba Ramdev for his support for the 2019 elections. He patiently heard everything I had to say, I gave him literature about our work,"

On his part, Baba Ramdev on various occasions had praised the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and achievements of his government over the last four years.

In 2014, he had had actively campaigned for the BJP in 2014 general elections for Narendra Modi led Bhartiya Janta Party.

(Additional input from agencies)