New Delhi: Coming down heavily on the BJP-ruled government at the Centre, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said the central probe agencies that are now targeting the Opposition parties will be after the saffron party after the Lok Sabha elections next year, news agency PTI reported. Exuding confidence that the days of the government at the Centre are numbered, she said it will last only for the next three months.
Addressing TMC workers at Netaji Indoor Stadium in Kolkata on Wednesday, CM Banerjee said, “Central agencies that are now targeting the Opposition leaders will go after the BJP following the 2024 general elections. The government at the Centre will last for three more months.”
Taking potshots at the saffron party, the TMC supremo said that after the arrest of her party workers, the expulsion of TMC leader Mahua Moitra from the Lok Sabha over her alleged link in the ‘cash-for-query’ case was being planned. She, however, said these moves would eventually help her ahead of the elections.
CM Banerjee further alleged that the BJP was against reservations and said her party will oppose the move. “BJP is also against the reservation for minorities, but we will bring them under the system through OBC quota,” PTI quoted her as saying.
She also attacked BJP for scheduling the final match of the recently-concluded cricket World Cup in Ahmedabad, saying India would have won had the final happened in Kolkata or Mumbai. She also alleged that efforts by the BJP were in full swing for “saffronising” the country.
CM Banerjee also hit out at the BJP over the state of Indian economy. “The banking sector is in the doldrums and PSUs are being sold,” she said, adding, “All big IT companies are investing in Kolkata's 'Silicon Valley' project.” She also slammed the BJP over unemployment in the country.