New Delhi: An ordinary Indian teenage girl who has graduated from high school with self-described 'average marks' has now gone viral on social media after she took on US President Donald Trump for his tweet mocking the phenomenon of global warming. A tweet by 18-year-old Astha Sarmah from Jorhat in Assam schooling President Trump on the difference between weather and climate has earned praises from across the globe.

Donald Trump had tweeted on the mercury dropping to -2 degree celsius on November 21 in Washington saying, "Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS Whatever happened to Global Warming?"

In her response to the tweet, Astha Sarmah commented "I am 54 years younger than you. I just finished high school with average marks. But even I can tell you that WEATHER IS NOT CLIMATE. If you want help understanding that, I can lend you my encyclopedia from when I was in 2nd grade. It has pictures and everything."

Soon after her reply, the other Twitter users appreciated the teenager, especially people in the USA. The tweet was picked by many international and national press. The comment has as of now received over 25.2K 'likes' from across the world while it has been retweeted 6.2 k times with many praising Astha as the "hope of the future".

Some people were so impressed, that they even offered her an internship to study the effects of climate change on the Arabian Sea. Check out some of the reactions that flooded the social media praising the young girl.