New Delhi: The police are repudiating allegations of parading a man naked in the city’s Inderpuri locality contradicting the dramatic visuals caught on camera. The cops tried to nab Virender while he was bathing inside his house. He is an accused in three armed robbery cases. The visuals show him trying to escape in a towel while in the background his wife is purportedly screaming at the policemen to let him go.

According to the police, the man was wearing only a towel when they had gone to arrest him.

"The police team had gone to his house. There was a non-bailable warrant against him. He was wanted in three armed robbery cases," Deputy Commissioner of Police (West) Vijay Kumar was quoted by news agency PTI. (WATCH BELOW)

Seeing the police personnel, the man jumped from the second floor of the building and his towel came off, the officer said, adding that he was immediately escorted to the police vehicle and given clothes to wear.

"After he jumped off the building, the police gave him an underwear, but he didn't cooperate and instead, tried to set himself free," Kumar was further quoted by the news agency.

According to the police, the family members of the man were also involved in selling liquor illegally and it was feared that they might create a scene.