Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat who remained in the headlines for making the ripped jeans remark has again made a controversial statement saying poor families who struggled to feed themselves amid the Covid pandemic should have had 20 children if they wanted more rations from a central government scheme.

Addressing an event in Nainital's Ramnagar, CM Tirath Singh Rawat said those with fewer children in their family got less government ration during the coronavirus-induced lockdown in comparison to "those with 20 children".

"Every household was given five kg rations. If 10 (people in a home) got 50 kg, then 20 got a quintal (100 kg). But some were jealous that two people got 10 kg and 20 got a quintal. Why? When there was time you only gave birth to two... why not 20?" Rawat was quoted by news agency ANI.

Tirath Singh Rawat confuses UK with the US

At the same event in his speech, the newly appointed Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat courted another controversy as he confused the United Kingdom with the United States of America.

"As opposed to other countries, India is doing better in terms of handling COVID19 crisis. America, which enslaved us for 200 years, which ruled the world, under whose empire it was said the sun didn't set...recorded more than 2.75 lakh deaths due to Covid-19 and is still struggling," the CM Tirath Singh said.

While hailing India for tackling the COVID-19 crisis, the Chief Minister said that India tackled the Coronavirus pandemic better than the country which "ruled us for 200 years."

Rawat's ripped jeans controversy

Tirath Singh Rawat faced flak for controversial comments on women wearing 'ripped' jeans; he declared that they could not provide the "right environment" at home for their children.

He said he had been shocked to see a woman running an NGO in 'ripped jeans'.

"If this kind of woman goes out in the society to meet people and solve their problems, what kind of message are we giving out to society, to our kids? It all starts at home. What we do, our kids follow. A child who is taught the right culture at home..." he said.